Tuesday 15 November 2016

Technology Fun!

Each Friday in D2 we have been participating in different Technology Challenges.  Each week D2 get given a different problem to solve using a limited number of materials.  There is a lot of learning that takes place.  Each team has to plan and solve, work together and make changes if the plan isn't working.

Here are a few of our challenges so far.

This challenge was to create a perch for Harry the Dinosaur from pipe cleaners, a cup and sellotape.  Harry needed to be off the ground as high as he could go!

The Bridge Challenge!  Each team needed to make a bridge to hold 5 Lego men. They could use only straws and sellotape.  The teams learnt that a triangle is a very strong shape.

Each team had to create the tallest tower out of marshmallows and toothpicks.  Some teams learnt that a solid base is really important in a tall tower.

Friday 11 November 2016

The 100 Word Treehouse!

Yes...it's episode 2! This time our stars are Matthew and Caleb. Here is their show:

Thanks to everyone else in D1 for being (a noisy!) part of the show!

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Book Week

Congratulations to Samantha for being the winner of the D1 book cover competition in Book Week! We all had to choose our favourite Bible story and design a book cover for it...with a blurb on the back to tell everyone a little bit about it. Part of the challenge was to think of a clever name for the story.

Samantha with her prize

Samantha's book cover: Multiplied Miracle (the story of feeding the 5000)
 We also had 3 people who the judge said did a wonderful job too:

Jonathan's entry: The Floating Reserve (Noah's ark)

Samuel C's entry: David the Brave Attacker (David and Goliath)

Sam T's entry: The Tiny Soldier and the Giant (David and Goliath)
Greta work by everyone in D1 - your book covers are amazing!

Kingdom Kid Award

Our latest Kingdom Kid award is for Phoebe. She is such a great helper in our class and her award tells you why. It says:

There is a Phoebe in the Bible who the apostle Paul said was 'a helper of many'. Phoebe's name can also mean 'bright and shining'. Both of these ideas are a true description of our Phoebe too! Everyone in D1 appreciates the 'helpful' and 'shining' example of Kindness that Phoebe is to us each day.

Well done, Phoebe!

Thursday 3 November 2016

The 100 Word Treehouse!

Today D1 is proud to present...our very own spelling 'TV' show, The 100 Word Treehouse! It is created by Samantha, Tayla, Matthew and Caleb. As part of their homework, they have to think about 1 'challenging' word and how it should be used. When they come to school on Friday, they share what they have learnt with the class...and we video it like a TV programme. They had to think of a title and theme song for their show too - what a great idea they had :-) Everyone in the class helps as you will see and hear!
Well done to our first 2 brave presenters, Samantha and Tayla and our announcer, Jonny! Here is their show:

How cool that it was Book Week and our presenters could be in their costumes!

Saturday 22 October 2016

Crazy Catapults!

While most of the class designed ways to drop an egg without it breaking, a couple of groups chose the catapult challenge! They had to come up with a way to throw an object across the room...or across the court if we got a bit worried about hitting things inside! Here are their designs:

A simple design - something you could try at home! Well done, boys!
Here it is in action:

Another group did some work at home and came back with this swish design:

Both groups are going 'back to the drawing board' to try little things to improve their catapults but they did a fabulous job and we enjoyed watching them a lot!

Eggscellent Eggsperiments!

I think the title will give you a clue - we have continued our 'egg drop' fun! So what does happen when you drop an egg off the top of the senior playground? Have a look:

As you can see, some eggs bounce and survive the fall...but others don't!

Poor Humpty Dumpty...

So, back to the challenge! Each group had to design a way of dropping an egg without it breaking. Here are the designs and the results of our 'eggsperiments':

I like to call this one...Fluffy Surprise!
An egg surrounded by cotton wool with an outside layer of tinfoil to hold it all together.
Well done, Rosa and Madeleine - your egg survived!
This one could be called 'Beautiful Bubble'!
An egg wrapped in bubble wrap and tinfoil then decorated with little badges.

"Yes!" goes Samantha while Elina shows the smile of success.

This one looks like a 'Reverse Rocket Booster'.

When it landed, the egg had slipped to the end...lucky you designed a seat belt, boys!

Samuel and Jonathan with their clever contraption...and a whole egg!
This design needs to be called the 'Double Whammy' because it not only protected the egg inside the box...
it slowed down it's fall with a parachute too! 

Olivia, Tayla and Phoebe get the egg out of its feather bed - in one piece! Woo hoo!
What a lot of fun we had! What would YOU design to save your egg? Have a go...

Thursday 20 October 2016

Technology Challenge!

We have a challenge going in D1 at the moment - an 'Egg Drop' challenge! The children were asked to design a way to drop an egg from the top of the playground...without it breaking!

Noah did some work at home and came back with this amazing looking 'triangle box'. He dropped it from the playground... (sorry - the camera is turned sideways!)

...and now let's look inside...

Looking good so far...

Let's get a close up...

Ta da! One whole egg! No cracks in sight! Well done Noah and Dad!
Noah's design included a 'seatbelt' for the egg so that it didn't bounce around and lots of soft padding inside a very strong box made with sticks and tape. Clever!

Tuesday 11 October 2016

A Kind Kingdom Kid...

We ended last term with a Kingdom Kid award...and we are beginning this term with another one!

Well done, Bree!

Brees's award says:

Our school value of Kindness is about ‘Showing care for others’. This is a wonderful description of our lovely Bree! All year, she has kept an eye out for people she could care for with a gentle word, a listening ear, a friendly hug or a welcoming smile. Thanks for being such a Kind Kingdom Kid, Bree!

Saturday 10 September 2016

Kingdom Kid Award

Our latest D1 Kingdom Kid award went to Caleb! It is a very hard quality to show, humility, but Caleb has been an excellent example of it.

Awesome, Caleb!

His award says:

Caleb is what we call a 'quiet achiever'. He is a terrific worker and very brainy, but he does not go around telling everyone about it! He is a wonderful example of our school value this term, Humility before God. It is exciting to be able to give him the honour he deserves and to thank him for all his hard work.

Well done, Caleb! It was nice to see all your friends congratulating you on the way back to your seat!

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Humility before God

In D2 we have been busy learning all about humility before God.  D2 have learnt a lot about what humility looks like and have been practicing using it.  We talked about the verse "be clothed with humility' and wore a T-shirt to show how God wants us to always wear our humility when we can. Come and have a look in the class to see our own t-shirts we made.

As an end to our humility topic, we worked in partners and wrote these amazing humility poems. They are so good that  some are coming home in our poetry books this week.


Have a humble heart

Use kind words

Making new friends

I can speak life

Let others go first

It isn't easy

Think before you speak

You can be kind to others

By Simi and Oliver

Humility is showing kindness

Use the right words at the right time.

Making new friends

I respect other people's personality

Looking at others needs

I use kind words

Think before you speak

You alter your behaviour when you need to

By Shanti

Honesty to God

Understand the truth

Making good choices

It isn't always easy

Letting someone go first

It can be hard to be humble

Think about your behaviour

You help other people

By Elizabeth and Lily

Monday 1 August 2016

Kingdom Kids Times Two!

It was wonderful to celebrate 2 special awards for D1 children at assembly yesterday. Jonathan and Jimin were both given Kingdom Kid awards - Jonathan's was from the end of last term but he was away and we had to keep the BIG secret from him all holidays (well done, mum and dad!).

Here they are:

Two awards? Twice as nice!
Jonathan's award says:

Jonathan has been an outstanding example of someone who is focused on improving himself as a learner and will honestly say if he truly understands, gets ideas a little bit or needs help to work something through. That’s integrity in action.

Jimin's award says:

Jimin is a wonderful example of our value of Kindness. She is often the first person to offer help to someone in need and is a kind friend to new members of our school family. She truly is one of D1’s ‘Good Samaritans’!

Saturday 30 July 2016

Life Ed with Tim and Harold

We have FINALLY had our first visit to the Life Ed (Life Education) truck to see Tim and Harold the giraffe. We are learning about how unique we all are - God made only one of each of us!
Here are a few photos from our visit:

We started off by doing some 'talking tennis'. That's when we take turns to speak...
Tim makes even talking sound like fun!

Later he taught us a 'personality haka'. 
Personality haka:

My personality...
controls the way I think
controls the way I feel
controls the way I act
controls the things I do!

Tim doing part of the personality haka - he really is an Action Man!

Thursday 7 July 2016

Mufti and Wacky Hair Day

We had fun at school today...and everyone looked a little bit different!

Here are our wacky hair people!

Samantha's hair was really quite beautiful - not wacky!

And here we all are in our mufti! We look so colourful!

Time to Celebrate!

We are celebrating some amazing learners in D1 this term. Here they are:

These wonderful people learnt every memory verse all term and where it was from in the Bible!
Well done Jimin, Mach, Samuel and Sam T (who was away).

And here are the awesome people who knew every spelling word in their homework all term!
Great job Jimin, Tayla, Samuel, Caleb, Mach, Matthew M and Sam T (who was away).
How many people can you see who got BOTH certificates? What super brains they have!

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Guess Who Came To Visit...?

Look who pulled into the car park yesterday! It was Mrs Little's son, Hayden and his BIG truck! Mrs Little had arranged for him to come as a special surprise for the end of our 'Move It' science study.
We learnt a bit about the truck and wondered if we could all push or pull the truck to make it move... do you think we could do it? We weren't sure because it weighs more than all the people in our school put together - WOW!

Here are some photos of D1 having a look around, and in, the truck.

Look out for those cars, Hayden!

This truck is really long...
Here's the front...and D2..

..and D1 too!
...and the back is where we can look inside.
This truck is like a giant fridge. It keeps things cold as Hayden takes them from one place to another!

Jacob doing a Spider man act to climb in...

...and Samuel too!

Jimin, Tayla and Sarah look pretty happy to be inside! It is a long way up! I hope Hayden didn't leave the keys inside. I wonder if the girls would like to take the truck for a spin...? Just kidding!

Big smiles from Samantha and Elina too! The truck was very clean (good job, Hayden!) and there is even a bed in there in case Hayden needs to stop and have a sleep. WOW!

There was a ladder for us to climb out if we didn't want to be Spider man!
What an amazing surprise! We LOVE trucks!

Thanks Mrs Little and Hayden for that super surprise! We loved the loud truck horn too...even if it did make us jump!

Sunday 3 July 2016

More Super Serving!

Our serving challenge this term has been amazing - children taking the opportunity to learn a new job to help at home. Here is Caleb sharing his idea:

What a great helper, Caleb!
Every little thing we can to do help others makes their day just a little bit brighter. Keep shining, D1!

Stu Duval - Artist!

The day after telling us a story, Stu Duval came back and taught us a little bit about cartoon drawing. He use some of his books to learn about drawing in D1. He showed us how EVERYBODY can draw amazing pictures by just following some simple steps. Here is a video of the children following Stu's example:

Stu was great at teaching us step by step how to draw some awesome pictures. This video made Mrs Sutherland laugh a lot - our heads look funny bobbing up and down!

Here are some great D1 artists at work!

You rock, D1!