Tuesday 15 November 2016

Technology Fun!

Each Friday in D2 we have been participating in different Technology Challenges.  Each week D2 get given a different problem to solve using a limited number of materials.  There is a lot of learning that takes place.  Each team has to plan and solve, work together and make changes if the plan isn't working.

Here are a few of our challenges so far.

This challenge was to create a perch for Harry the Dinosaur from pipe cleaners, a cup and sellotape.  Harry needed to be off the ground as high as he could go!

The Bridge Challenge!  Each team needed to make a bridge to hold 5 Lego men. They could use only straws and sellotape.  The teams learnt that a triangle is a very strong shape.

Each team had to create the tallest tower out of marshmallows and toothpicks.  Some teams learnt that a solid base is really important in a tall tower.


  1. Matt m your book cover is awesome! from Caleb

  2. Jacob thankyou for being a good friend! from Caleb

  3. WOW! Those look amazing. from Rosa
