Wednesday 6 July 2016

Guess Who Came To Visit...?

Look who pulled into the car park yesterday! It was Mrs Little's son, Hayden and his BIG truck! Mrs Little had arranged for him to come as a special surprise for the end of our 'Move It' science study.
We learnt a bit about the truck and wondered if we could all push or pull the truck to make it move... do you think we could do it? We weren't sure because it weighs more than all the people in our school put together - WOW!

Here are some photos of D1 having a look around, and in, the truck.

Look out for those cars, Hayden!

This truck is really long...
Here's the front...and D2..

..and D1 too!
...and the back is where we can look inside.
This truck is like a giant fridge. It keeps things cold as Hayden takes them from one place to another!

Jacob doing a Spider man act to climb in...

...and Samuel too!

Jimin, Tayla and Sarah look pretty happy to be inside! It is a long way up! I hope Hayden didn't leave the keys inside. I wonder if the girls would like to take the truck for a spin...? Just kidding!

Big smiles from Samantha and Elina too! The truck was very clean (good job, Hayden!) and there is even a bed in there in case Hayden needs to stop and have a sleep. WOW!

There was a ladder for us to climb out if we didn't want to be Spider man!
What an amazing surprise! We LOVE trucks!

Thanks Mrs Little and Hayden for that super surprise! We loved the loud truck horn too...even if it did make us jump!


  1. wow that looks fun johaan

  2. That was a big surprise wasn't it D1 from Matthew M
