Saturday 22 October 2016

Crazy Catapults!

While most of the class designed ways to drop an egg without it breaking, a couple of groups chose the catapult challenge! They had to come up with a way to throw an object across the room...or across the court if we got a bit worried about hitting things inside! Here are their designs:

A simple design - something you could try at home! Well done, boys!
Here it is in action:

Another group did some work at home and came back with this swish design:

Both groups are going 'back to the drawing board' to try little things to improve their catapults but they did a fabulous job and we enjoyed watching them a lot!


  1. well done Jonny for making a good catapole.
    from Bree

  2. WELL DONE SAMUEL AND JOHNNY for just making a catapult with a plastic spoon and two ice pops sticks and string also blue tack
