Wednesday 31 August 2016

Humility before God

In D2 we have been busy learning all about humility before God.  D2 have learnt a lot about what humility looks like and have been practicing using it.  We talked about the verse "be clothed with humility' and wore a T-shirt to show how God wants us to always wear our humility when we can. Come and have a look in the class to see our own t-shirts we made.

As an end to our humility topic, we worked in partners and wrote these amazing humility poems. They are so good that  some are coming home in our poetry books this week.


Have a humble heart

Use kind words

Making new friends

I can speak life

Let others go first

It isn't easy

Think before you speak

You can be kind to others

By Simi and Oliver

Humility is showing kindness

Use the right words at the right time.

Making new friends

I respect other people's personality

Looking at others needs

I use kind words

Think before you speak

You alter your behaviour when you need to

By Shanti

Honesty to God

Understand the truth

Making good choices

It isn't always easy

Letting someone go first

It can be hard to be humble

Think about your behaviour

You help other people

By Elizabeth and Lily

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