Wednesday 24 February 2016

Amazing Authors in D2

On Thursdays in D2 we focus on writing interesting ideas and adding juicy words and sentences to make our writing interesting.  Today we read a poem all about a beautfiful butterfly and what it may do in a day.  D2 wrote some fabulous pieces and here are two pieces from two amazing authors.  Enjoy!

By Lusi 

Beautiful butterfly where have you been?
Oh my lovely butterfly I'll miss you.  Where have you been?  Did you fly flower to flower?  It didn't answer back.  I asked it how did you hatch?  Did you hatch in your chrysalis?  But still it didn't answer back.  Wait here while I am going to get my camera.  When I got back it was gone!

By Awhina 

Beautiful butterfly where have you been?  I've been in a garden that is where I live.  I fly away quickly to flower to flower.  My beautiful wings shine prettily in the sun.   I land on a leaf to rest in the morning.  I flutter my beautiful wings and fly off in the sky.  I come to a city.  People can see me.  I know the sun is shining on me.  I glide in the air.  A gentle breeze comes quietly pushing me away from the city.  I flutter to a safe place to hide.  I start to drop on a leaf to start all over again with a tiny little egg.  

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