Monday 22 February 2016

D1 Shooting Stars...

In D1, we have a special wall where we celebrate learners and their work. We put examples of work that show great understanding (what we are learning) and careful setting out (what we are doing) so that everyone can be helped to do their best for God.  Here are our first 2 'shooting stars':

Jonny and his reading work. Way to go, Jonny!

Matthew M's reading too. Keep shining, Matthew!
The reading work has a learning goal of finding information in the story. Jonny was showing his understanding by drawing and labelling the setting in the story and Matthew did it by creating a character web with information he had read. They both did their BEST for God in the way they completed their book work.


  1. great work guys! good job. from samantha

  2. good job boys! you are perfect workers in the school. from samantha
