Thursday 3 March 2016

Wonderful writing in D2

On Thursday, D2 wrote about the beach using action words.  They came up with some great first ideas.  Here are a few to share with you.

By Oliver

crabs nipping
sand flying 
wood burning
shells waiting
waves splashing
pippis opening
boats speeding
fish swimming
trees blowing
sharks racing
shoes stepping
kids running
people bathing
girls screaming 
frisbee playing

By Huntah C

boat sailing
sand flying
surfers up and down
waves crashing
tussock grass waving
crabs snapping
footprints brushing
sandcastle washing away
water smoothing
kids running

By Jasmine

crabs pinching
kids surfing
fish swimming
hot sun rising
waves splashing
kites flying
beach balls rolling
Dads sleeping
Mums reading

By Hunter O

rocks gleaming
sand spreading
salt throwing
waves banging
pelicans swooping
seagulls squawking
tussock grass waving
sharks eating
fish fiddling
scuba divers diving

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