Sunday 14 February 2016

Listening to God

We are very good at talking to God, but are we good at listening to Him? We read about Moses the other day and how he listened to God when the other people wouldn't. So God gave him the 10 Commandments to help everyone know how to live.

Everyone in D1 found a place to sit or lie down by themselves, we put some quiet worship music on...and listened to God speak to us. Some people found it easy to do and for others it was a new thing to try. At the end, some children shared what they had heard:

Matthew Y - Love one another as I have loved you.
Sam C - Have faith in Him.
Sam T - Come to me, Samuel!
Madeleine - Love your animals as you love yourself.
Jacob - Be yourself and don't be like other people.
Sarah W - When hard times come, have courage.

Well done, D1! You are great at listening to God!