Tuesday 17 May 2016

Super Science

We have been doing some fun Science Experiments in D1 and D2 lately.  We are learning to ask the big question WHY? does something happen.  We have been making fabulous observations and enjoying Science along the way.

Last week we explored the idea of walking water.  We placed a paper towel bridge into seven different cups.  Three had no water in them and, four had coloured water.  It didn't take long before the paper towel soaked up the colours and the water travelled up the paper towel.  We also observed how the colours mixed and a rainbow of colours appeared.

This experiment showed us all about CAPILLARY ACTION.  A big word but we love learning big words in year 3!  It simply means how water moves into the spaces of a holey material.

We decided to test this idea with flowers.  Check back next week to see what happens!!!


  1. Wow u are so lucky D1!I went home sick from JIMIN

  2. great job guys cool as by william

  3. Good to see some real science going on D1. Remember to keep asking WHY did that happen and see if you can come up with cool possible reasons that you can test in the next experiment. Kia kaha
    Dr Ferrar

  4. great colors! From Samantha.
