Tuesday 3 May 2016

Recycled Art

As part of our term 1 theme about being 'Caretakers of God's world' D1 made some amazing artworks using recycled items with Mrs Thompson. Can you look at these pictures and work out what they used?
Are you catching any fish, Phoebe?

Do you like being in a boat, Madeleine?
Your art looks awesome hanging up in the classroom, D1!


  1. Maddie I think you draw great pictures. from Bree

  2. hey Phoebe I love what your picture looks like. it is great. from Samantha

  3. hey Phoebe u where great with your boat when u were making it. Maddie that is some great art. from Jimin

  4. Awesome!! Phoebe and Maddie i love your art!!! fron Jimin
