Tuesday 3 May 2016

Kingdom Kid

We started the term with a new Kingdom Kid award winner - Matthew M! It was extra special as his grandparents were visiting and came to assembly too. What a treat!

Fantastic effort, Matthew!

Matthew's award said:

Matthew frequently demonstrates our school values but this term’s one is especially important – Integrity. It is wonderful to be able to trust him to do the right thing whether or not a teacher is there. Keep being a great ‘Chooser’, Matthew!


  1. great job Matthew from Jimin

  2. well matthewm for getting a awrd at school well done matthew

  3. well done Matthew M
    from ELINA

  4. I think you were very nice to the people and help the teacher with things that she needs help with.I hop you get to be the king kid again. from jonny

  5. You are awesome Matthew M well done stay awesome Matthew. from Jimin

  6. great job Matthew for getting the award and for being kind to us and the class from Jonny
