How do you teach about the 'Trinity' to a class of 7 and 8 year olds? You rely on God for help! Let me set the scene...
D1 are learning that God never changes. One of the Bible stories we are studying is about Job - not the usual kind of kid's story but through it we could see that even though Job's life changed from bad...and back again, Job didn't stop trusting God because he knew God hadn't changed even when everything else had!
So D1 made a list of all the things we could think of that 'God is...': Big, good, mighty, kind, perfect, holy, in control, patient, creator, everywhere, saviour (the list went on for TWO PAGES!).
One of the children said God is three in one... What does that mean we wondered? God gave us this idea of how to understand it:
Is there one? |
No! There is three! |
We know there is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. They are not separate 'people', they are ONE! Together they are strong and think and act as our
one true God.
If they were separate, it would be like this:
If God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were 'three', we thought they would not be so strong and they could not think the same way or do the same things because each one would be on their own. |
Our learning journey continues... :-)