Sunday 29 May 2016

We Like To Move It, Move It!

If you were walking past D1 last week, you may have seen some strange sights and heard some excited sounds! We were doing Science! We have been thinking about how things move and so we had some fun experimenting with parachutes. Some were made out of plastic bags, some were made out of paper and some were made out of cardboard. Each 'pilot' had to watch their parachute then we talked in our groups afterwards about what we had noticed.

Let the fun begin...

We had so much fun that we couldn't help but 'move it, move it'!

Friday 27 May 2016


We are learning that God Never Changes. This week we thought about what it would be like if this was NOT true.


if God is the maker of everything and he could change... he would be the maker of nothing!

if God is good and he could change... he would be bad!

if God is mighty and he could change... he would be weak!

if God is the one who loves us and he could change... he would be the one who hates us!

if God is kind and he could change... he would be mean!

if God is faithful and he could change... he would not be faithful!

if God is in control and he could change... he would be out of control!

if God is our Saviour and he could change... he would be our destroyer!

Do you believe that God Never Changes? WE DO!

Three in One!

How do you teach about the 'Trinity' to a class of 7 and 8 year olds? You rely on God for help! Let me set the scene...

D1 are learning that God never changes. One of the Bible stories we are studying is about Job - not the usual kind of kid's story but through it we could see that even though Job's life changed from bad...and back again, Job didn't stop trusting God because he knew God hadn't changed even when everything else had!

So D1 made a list of all the things we could think of that 'God is...': Big, good, mighty, kind, perfect, holy, in control, patient, creator, everywhere, saviour (the list went on for TWO PAGES!).

One of the children said God is three in one... What does that mean we wondered? God gave us this idea of how to understand it:

Is there one?

No! There is three!
We know there is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. They are not separate 'people', they are ONE! Together they are strong and think and act as our one true God.
If they were separate, it would be like this:

If God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were 'three', we thought they would not be so strong and they could not think the same way or do the same things because each one would be on their own.
Our learning journey continues... :-)

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Super Science

We have been doing some fun Science Experiments in D1 and D2 lately.  We are learning to ask the big question WHY? does something happen.  We have been making fabulous observations and enjoying Science along the way.

Last week we explored the idea of walking water.  We placed a paper towel bridge into seven different cups.  Three had no water in them and, four had coloured water.  It didn't take long before the paper towel soaked up the colours and the water travelled up the paper towel.  We also observed how the colours mixed and a rainbow of colours appeared.

This experiment showed us all about CAPILLARY ACTION.  A big word but we love learning big words in year 3!  It simply means how water moves into the spaces of a holey material.

We decided to test this idea with flowers.  Check back next week to see what happens!!!

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Recycled Art

As part of our term 1 theme about being 'Caretakers of God's world' D1 made some amazing artworks using recycled items with Mrs Thompson. Can you look at these pictures and work out what they used?
Are you catching any fish, Phoebe?

Do you like being in a boat, Madeleine?
Your art looks awesome hanging up in the classroom, D1!


In term 1, the school value we were thinking about was...

We thought about the kinds of things we would HEAR if we were showing respect...

We thought about how we would FEEL if people showed us respect...

We thought about what we would SEE if people were showing respect...

Kingdom Kid

We started the term with a new Kingdom Kid award winner - Matthew M! It was extra special as his grandparents were visiting and came to assembly too. What a treat!

Fantastic effort, Matthew!

Matthew's award said:

Matthew frequently demonstrates our school values but this term’s one is especially important – Integrity. It is wonderful to be able to trust him to do the right thing whether or not a teacher is there. Keep being a great ‘Chooser’, Matthew!

Special people...

We congratulated some special people at the end of term 1.  These were children who had worked EXTRA hard all term in weekly spelling homework and in learning their memory verses.

Sam C, Matthew Y and Mach with their memory verse certificates.
Sam T earned one too but was away when we took the photo.
Their award says that they got every memory verse right and knew the reference (where it is from in the Bible) too! That is a big achievement!

Elina, Tayla, Sam C and Matthew M with their spelling certificates.
This award says that they got every word right in spelling ALL TERM ! Super effort everyone!

Special mention goes to Sam C who you will see is in both photos. Well done, Sam! You are amazing!

Kingdom Kid

At the end of term 1, Jonny was our D1 Kingdom Kid at assembly.

You look so happy, Jonny!
Jonny's award said:

Jonny loves learning and has a fantastic attitude towards each new school day. He is kind and respectful to everyone. We appreciate these wonderful, Kingdom Kid qualities that Jonny brings into our class life.

Our last art lesson...

Our last art lesson was a bit sad as we finished up with Mrs Sneddon at the high school.

This was our lesson plan for the day.

Everybody was working hard and some people got to work on extra activities when they finished.

We have some great ideas to use in our class work now.
We have learnt about letters, colours and design. Mrs Sneddon had a special surprise for us too. We got to bring some special frames back to our classroom so that we can display our work for everyone to see. We hope you enjoy our work!