Saturday 12 March 2016

It's Art Time!

On Friday it was D1's second to last trip to the high school art room. Everyone was really focused on their work and enjoyed the new examples of letters and designs that Mrs Sneddon showed them. They were letters from old Bibles - very fancy and creative! Mrs Sneddon also showed the children some letters that were full of pictures that started with that letter - a special treat for children who finished their work early!
Here's a look around the room - so many hard workers in action!

This was our lesson plan for the day.

The boys sharing ideas...

Awesome colours!

Some people working on the 'special treat'...

Great concentration!

More 'special treat' work...

Colours, colours everywhere!

Working hard...


  1. Well done d1
    From Dr ferrar

  2. Looks like you're having a great time in the art room guys
    Dr Ferrar
