Monday, 21 March 2016


In devotions today we thought about Easter...from beginning to end. We had a lot of pictures that we put in order to tell the Easter story. Some were a bit confusing but we got there in the end! We have some real Bible experts in our class!

There was a lot of discussion...

We had to look at each other's pictures and think about which one came first...

...and at the end, we had the whole story in order!
We used our thinking skills to work out some of the answers - looking at the pictures and finding clues by who was there and what they were doing - and then the rest was with our Bible knowledge.


Over the last week, we have been learning about rubbish! We have had a special teacher, Mrs Goodall, and she has made us think about how much rubbish we make and how we change reduce that. We have learnt about recycling and reusing things to cut down on what we put in the rubbish bin.
Here are some photos of us working:

Do you know what 'sensible shopping' is? We can tell you! It is when you choose BETTER things to buy - like a big container of yoghurt instead of lots of little ones. You can put your yoghurt in a reusable container that can be washed instead of a plastic one that goes in the rubbish.

Here are some sensible shopping choices.
Do you make compost at home? We learnt about carbon (dry or brown plant material like old leaves or newspaper) and nitrogen (wet or green plant material like vege peelings and lawn clippings) and how you have to put them in layers to make really good compost!

There are some things that just can't go in the compost. The girls have put these on the side of the chart.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

It's Art Time!

On Friday it was D1's second to last trip to the high school art room. Everyone was really focused on their work and enjoyed the new examples of letters and designs that Mrs Sneddon showed them. They were letters from old Bibles - very fancy and creative! Mrs Sneddon also showed the children some letters that were full of pictures that started with that letter - a special treat for children who finished their work early!
Here's a look around the room - so many hard workers in action!

This was our lesson plan for the day.

The boys sharing ideas...

Awesome colours!

Some people working on the 'special treat'...

Great concentration!

More 'special treat' work...

Colours, colours everywhere!

Working hard...

Monday, 7 March 2016

Recycled Art in D1

On Tuesdays,  D1 have been busy using different materials to create an awesome piece of art.  It is going to be a beach scene made up of materials that have already been used for something else.  Here are a few pictures of our work so far.

Elina painting the sky using bubble wrap bought in by Samuel C.

Jonathan making the sand dunes using old coffee sacks from Mr Thompson.

Sarah using lots of glue to hold it in place.

Samuel using dye to make his ocean.  The fish are made from newspapers.
We cant wait to see what they look like all put together!

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Super Reading!

You can look back on the blog and see Matthew M's character web which is on the Shooting Stars wall in D1. We have all learnt so much since we began so here is how we do our character webs now!

Way to go, Jonny! We will add this to the wall alongside Matthew M's. 
Our reading goal is to find information in the story. Didn't Jonny do well! He was also a bit of a star last week as we had a challenge to answer the question: What are we learning? Jonny had his hand up every time to answer - he really knows his stuff!

All the lessons up to morning tea time... great work, D1!

We're Going to the Art Room...

Last Friday, D1 headed off to the high school for our 3rd art lesson. We have been working hard and this was our lesson this time:

Mrs Sneddon thought D1 was working so well that she needed to plan ahead in case we finished quickly! Some people might be working on our term 2 theme soon: God Never Changes

Phoebe was adding some really cool patterns inside her letters. Jonathan was concentrating hard while he worked on another table.

Matthew M added a design to the background.

Mrs Sneddon showed us some lettering from old Bibles. Matthew Y liked one of the patterns and worked really hard to use it in one of his letters.

When Phoebe finished her letters, the next step was to add a black outline around them.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Wonderful writing in D2

On Thursday, D2 wrote about the beach using action words.  They came up with some great first ideas.  Here are a few to share with you.

By Oliver

crabs nipping
sand flying 
wood burning
shells waiting
waves splashing
pippis opening
boats speeding
fish swimming
trees blowing
sharks racing
shoes stepping
kids running
people bathing
girls screaming 
frisbee playing

By Huntah C

boat sailing
sand flying
surfers up and down
waves crashing
tussock grass waving
crabs snapping
footprints brushing
sandcastle washing away
water smoothing
kids running

By Jasmine

crabs pinching
kids surfing
fish swimming
hot sun rising
waves splashing
kites flying
beach balls rolling
Dads sleeping
Mums reading

By Hunter O

rocks gleaming
sand spreading
salt throwing
waves banging
pelicans swooping
seagulls squawking
tussock grass waving
sharks eating
fish fiddling
scuba divers diving