Saturday 22 October 2016

Crazy Catapults!

While most of the class designed ways to drop an egg without it breaking, a couple of groups chose the catapult challenge! They had to come up with a way to throw an object across the room...or across the court if we got a bit worried about hitting things inside! Here are their designs:

A simple design - something you could try at home! Well done, boys!
Here it is in action:

Another group did some work at home and came back with this swish design:

Both groups are going 'back to the drawing board' to try little things to improve their catapults but they did a fabulous job and we enjoyed watching them a lot!

Eggscellent Eggsperiments!

I think the title will give you a clue - we have continued our 'egg drop' fun! So what does happen when you drop an egg off the top of the senior playground? Have a look:

As you can see, some eggs bounce and survive the fall...but others don't!

Poor Humpty Dumpty...

So, back to the challenge! Each group had to design a way of dropping an egg without it breaking. Here are the designs and the results of our 'eggsperiments':

I like to call this one...Fluffy Surprise!
An egg surrounded by cotton wool with an outside layer of tinfoil to hold it all together.
Well done, Rosa and Madeleine - your egg survived!
This one could be called 'Beautiful Bubble'!
An egg wrapped in bubble wrap and tinfoil then decorated with little badges.

"Yes!" goes Samantha while Elina shows the smile of success.

This one looks like a 'Reverse Rocket Booster'.

When it landed, the egg had slipped to the end...lucky you designed a seat belt, boys!

Samuel and Jonathan with their clever contraption...and a whole egg!
This design needs to be called the 'Double Whammy' because it not only protected the egg inside the box...
it slowed down it's fall with a parachute too! 

Olivia, Tayla and Phoebe get the egg out of its feather bed - in one piece! Woo hoo!
What a lot of fun we had! What would YOU design to save your egg? Have a go...

Thursday 20 October 2016

Technology Challenge!

We have a challenge going in D1 at the moment - an 'Egg Drop' challenge! The children were asked to design a way to drop an egg from the top of the playground...without it breaking!

Noah did some work at home and came back with this amazing looking 'triangle box'. He dropped it from the playground... (sorry - the camera is turned sideways!)

...and now let's look inside...

Looking good so far...

Let's get a close up...

Ta da! One whole egg! No cracks in sight! Well done Noah and Dad!
Noah's design included a 'seatbelt' for the egg so that it didn't bounce around and lots of soft padding inside a very strong box made with sticks and tape. Clever!

Tuesday 11 October 2016

A Kind Kingdom Kid...

We ended last term with a Kingdom Kid award...and we are beginning this term with another one!

Well done, Bree!

Brees's award says:

Our school value of Kindness is about ‘Showing care for others’. This is a wonderful description of our lovely Bree! All year, she has kept an eye out for people she could care for with a gentle word, a listening ear, a friendly hug or a welcoming smile. Thanks for being such a Kind Kingdom Kid, Bree!